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Lexicon Word Game

카테고리 없음

by unindisda1978 2020. 3. 2. 11:00


  1. Lexicon Card Game Rules
  2. How To Play Lexicon Go
  3. Egames Lexicon Word Challenge Game

Lexicon was apparently first published in 1937, so I imagine there have been multitudinous different versions. The version I have comes with an eraseable score board. The eraseable score board and the oversized box are presently in storage downstairs (i.e.

They are banished), whilst I have kept the cards package in a small convenient box.The rules are on 3 cards themselves. They describe 4 games: Master Lexicon, Lexicon Criss Cross, Lexicon Riddance, and Lexicon Clock Patience. I learnt the rules to Master Lexicon, and we enjoyed that game so much that we haven't played any of the others. So, as indicated in the title, this is a review only of that game.The cards in Lexicon are essentially the same as Scrabble tiles - they have a letter and a score. Unlike Scrabble though, more common letters get higher scores: X=2, A=10. There is also a Master Card, which is wild, and worth 15. In Master Lexicon, each player is dealt 10 random cards and take turns making words.

On each turn a player may (a) make a word, (b) insert letters into another player's word to make a new word, without reordering the letters in that word, (c) discard a letter and take either the last discarded letter or the top of the draw pile, or (d) exchange a letter in his hand with a letter in an already played word, as long as the new word formed is still a word. We find that you mostly do (a) and (c), and it is only smarties like me that see many chances for (b), and we have still not found a time to do (d). When someone empties their hand, everyone else scores points for the letters still in their hand. When you get to 100 points, you're eliminated from the game. You play until one person is left.Let's consider a typical game. I am dealt ENEZUKLEDS.

I desperately search for all the letters of 'ukelele', but I can't do it. I make SNEEZED, leaving me with LUK. If I was really lukky, I could figure out how to make SULK and something, but the words evade me. Sometimes you can find it, sometimes you can't.

My opponent has WPHQBAYWIL, but I don't know that. They make PHIAL, because that gets 44 points out of their hand, and with those letters they have no chance. The remainder is only worth 26, and if I was lukky, they would score only those points. I discard the K and get H, leaving me with HUL. They discard the Q and get U, leaving them with WBYWU. I discard L and get another L. They make BUY, leaving them with WW.

Lexicon card game rules

I discard the L and get A, so I have HUA. They discard W and get X. I make HA (it's in the dictionary!) so I have U. They discard W and pick up O, so they have OX. But they can't play it yet. I discard U and pick up the Master Card, so I could make I or A on my next turn. They play OX, and I am left with the 15 point bomb in my hand.

I score 15, they score 0. Pretty lukky, that.OK, so now you know how to play. Hands don't usually last so long. My wife and I have both managed to go out after only 2 plays, e.g. FISHERY and TAG, with a Master Card in there somewhere. Last time we played with 3 people, the game took an hour, because my son got some good letters and some good advice from his mum, and managed to hang on much longer than I thought he would.

Lexicon Card Game Rules

Anything to avoid going to bed.Anyway, we really like this game. My son (who is 9) plays very slowly, but finding words in a set of 10 letters requires a lot of experience. We don't mind waiting, because it's educational and he doesn't know. If all players were grown-ups, there would still be a few slow spots as you desperately try to find the two words that will put you out - you can tell they are there, you just need to find them.

How To Play Lexicon Go

This is a good word game, simpler than Scrabble, with all of the features that attract word game people. The original LEXICON was sold in the UK with rules copyright John Waddington Ltd., Leeds; and London dated October 16th 1933 before any crossword version was brought out.It consisted of 52 cardsA x4 B C D Ex4 F G Hx3 Ix4 J K Lx3 M N Ox3 P Q Rx3 Sx3 Tx3 Ux3 V Wx3 X Y Z a'Master Card' plus an advertising card and a card sugesting to hostesses 'invite your friends to a Lexicon Drive'. These were contained, with the rules in a small booklet, in a red slipcase box with gold lettering.The object of the game is to get rid of ones cards Each player starts with 10. He does this by doing one of the four following options -1) form a word2) discard a card and take from pack or discard pile3) insert a card(s) into an already exposed wordor 4) take card or cards from an already exposed word and change them for card(s) in his hand to make new word.The second part of the rule book was given over to explaining 'How to arrange a Lexicon Drive'. Hi,I have just inherited a boxed 2-pack version of Lexicon.The box has a hinged lid and contains a red pack of Lexicon cards and a Blue pack. In the centre is a dictionary in matching size and there is also the book '25 New Games to be played with Lexicon cards' dated February 8th 1935.This is a Waddingtons edition.

The card packs and dictionary are each separated by gold covered separators which match the gold paper on the card packs.Anyone seeking further information please contact me or reply to this thread.

Playing Letterpress and just don't see the next possible word to use?Getting creamed and just need that big word boost?Let Lexicon help you solve all your troubles!With Lexicon, you can enter as many or as little letters into the search field and let it tell you which words to use!Unlike other 'cheat apps' Lexicon does not just dump words with those letters, It verifies the letters are only used once.Just type in all the letters from the game board, (Even duplicates) and press search. Lexicon will then go through the database of words and find all the possible words based on the letters you enter.Playing multiple games? Use the 'Use History' button to bring back up the letters from a previous search.You also can take a screenshot of your game in Letterpress, then open that up inside Lexicon to help you get all the letters entered in without switching back and forth!Typical Usage scenario, you enter all the letters from the game board in any order and press 'Search'.

This will give you all the results for that game board.If you want to only see words with a specific letter or letters, you could select key letter(s) from within the list and only show words that contain the letter(s) you have selected.Need to fill X but doen't want to settle for a 2 or 3 letter word? Just type in all the game board letters, hit search, then press the X button below to see just words with X in them.Use the secondary search to help narrow down your last letters of a possible word!Lexicon was written with Letterpress in mind. The database is just Letterpress words.


This app is not affiliated with Letterpress and was just meant to be used as a helper.Any ad revenue or In App Purchase revenue goes towards keeping the app up to date with the most current Letterpress database and fixing any bugs that come up.Lexicon was written with fun in mind. Just for that little boost to get you through the next word, or to help you so you don't have to forfeit the game. If you are seeing any crashed or issues, please report them to anapa.apps@gmail.com for a quicker response. Apples crash reporting system doesnt always show all crash logs, and I currently do not have any logs reported.I cannot respond to reviews so if something isn't working, please email.Requires iOS 9.0 or later.

Egames Lexicon Word Challenge Game

Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.